Monday, February 22, 2010

a marxist manifesto

Be serious about life! Believing and caring about what one does. To become completely cynical about life and society is to exterminate all hope or indeed even all notions of utopia. Hasn't control and stability become the dominant feelings of our contemporary existence? Here (or rather for me, there), everything is a joke, all mirages, all is frivolous, ironies everywhere - the pinnacle of post-modernity. Blindness! Do not take the simulacrum as a pre-given, a dogma, for it is the symptom of illness! Don't confuse the oppressed subject as the failed subject. Take up the motto of the Enlightenment again "Sapere Aude!" Overcome the spiritless Zeitgeist! Periodically the consciousness of society must be awakened to face itself again. To witness itself and all its self-induced farces. Be serious and see the world we have created! To be ultimately cynical and ironic means the acceptance of your impotence. Make all things transparent and do not laugh at those who in sincerity believes in the human possibilities. Projection of God doesn't give one transcendent sight, only immanent blindness! The tragic is not our relationship to God but our relationship to ourselves.


Philip Zhang said...

Did you see the film "The Motorcycle Diaries"? I figure you'll love it, especially when you are still hot off Zizek.

Yusong Huang said...

yep yep saw it a few years ago
