Saturday, October 10, 2009


The ‘Bringer of Light’ (henceforth denoted as the 'it') will not take "No" as a satisfactory answer; not even the subjugation of a people, bowing down at their feet is sufficient - to truly fulfill it's lust for conquest, one must become them; for it is not the physical subjugation that it deems glorious rather the mental. The redemption of a mind only fuels its lust for more; the adrenaline urges them forward.

It lives in the aloof. A realm that is self propagated; indeed it lives in a pompous existence surrounded by the impregnable citadel made of logic and reason - perverse reason that is. It uses the citadel as a façade, behind which lies the true motive - to conquer and not be conquered. It has indeed convinced itself that it acts in the name of 'truth' – is truth not that which correspond to the reality? For ‘real’ truth hurts, it can’t bare the pain of truth. It uses reason no longer as a tool to better the human, instead uses it as a blade to cut off the limbs of all things that does not share its convictions. Even more, the event must be ritualized; the grizzlier and the more public the better; it slaughters a chicken for the monkeys. It is aloof nonetheless, floating away in the dreamy world of the pure, delighting itself with the pure reason; it has forgotten that the historic roots of its rituals – mind the waxed wings should you fly so high!

It is an animal; more cunning than any human. It hunts quietly and strikes the lamb with its golden staff with dexterity. It is not the gentle creature that it professes to be but a hypocrite in the guise of a philosopher. It lurks in the dark, building the citadel and makes quick strikes followed by a rapid retreat; it has mastered the art of war! It is a clever creature; dwarfing the greatest sophists and tacticians combined; it has mastered both the politics and warfare. It is a ‘true’ animal, for it no longer contains within itself the emotions of humans. At best it has intellectualized emotions; poking at it from the outside to determine its properties – it is too filthy to be explored for within.

It is a forgetful creature. Forgetfulness is a genetic characteristic of the human; but not for it. It has deliberate forgetfulness or so called active forgetfulness; capable of ameliorating all the pains of that the baggage that it drags forth bares upon it. It has baggage; plenty of it too. It has baggage that it would like to be rid of by obscuring history if not totally forgetting. It is a blind creature as well. Blinded by the high walls of its citadel; seeing only the heavens and forgetting the extent of the earth. It is blind to the workings of a world laid out just beyond its eyes; unable to understand why the ‘peaceful uplift’ it brings to the humans is objected with such violence. Open your eyes and gaze into the gears of a humanly made machinery under which you have so much labored!

//I wrote this post as an undergraduate; I have left it as it was written.

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